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Kiss The Son  Art and Meditations on God’s Word(以嘴親子,英文版)

NT$ 520 NT$ 468

Kiss the Son is one of Sherri’s a series of hand-painted devotional works by the author Sherri Chan. It is a man who loves God and was filled with the Holy Spirit after being called. He releases the wonder and mystery of God’s words onto the images in bright colors, giving the blank edges of the Bible a deeper color. A meditative exploration of heavenly things.
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Welcome, King of the Nations!
“Kiss the Son!” (Psalm 2:12)

In the Polynesian culture, people greet each other with a hongi— by placing the forehead and nose against another person’s forehead and nose. Hongi’s literal meaning is the sharing of breath. Therefore, when you touch noses, it is to honor the Creator who gave life and to acknowledge each other for the life that is gifted by Him.

When a foreigner visits the land, being greeted with a hongi not only shows a welcome, but also means that he or she is no longer a visitor and has been entrusted with a responsibility to cherish and protect the land.

In 2016, a ministry experience in India opened the heart of Sherri and led her onto a journey of creative worship. Through her hand-drawn art, God’s precious Word leaps out of her Bible pages and becomes nourishing streams of living water.

Kiss the Son, a beautiful meditation and artwork on the Word of God, helps the readers to follow God with a more focused and purer mind. May you, the Bride of Christ, greet our beloved Jesus daily with a hongi—to exchange breath, to share life, to become one with the One, and to embrace His Kingdom.


1.A full-color illustrated book
2.A hand-drawn spiritual journal with 56 Scripture passages and God’s revelations
3.Attached with step-by-step practices leading you into meditations on God’s Word through art
4.Perfect for gifting or personal growth





重量 356 公克
尺寸 23 × 17 × 1.0 公分


■Sherri Chan

Born in Taiwan, raised in America, and now lives in Hong Kong, Sherri Chan is well blended with both East and West cultures. Computer Science was her learned trade and drawing is her childhood joy. From those, she developed a keen sense of efficiency and appreciation of beauty which is clearly reflected in her simplicity approach to writing and art. She does her work in a tiny closet-like space in her Hong Kong apartment, yet she transports herself and readers to a place where only imagination is the limit.

Other book by author: Colors of Faith


1.A full-color illustrated book
2.A hand-drawn spiritual journal with 56 Scripture passages and God’s revelations
3.Attached with step-by-step practices leading you into meditations on God’s Word through art
4.Perfect for gifting or personal growth


‧II╱About B20:D24Bible Journaling
1 A New Gate Is Opened
‧002╱Keys of Faith
‧004╱Activate the River
‧006╱Readily Accessible
‧008╱A Way Never Passed Before
‧010╱Gliding in the Spirit
‧012╱I Can Do All Things
‧014╱Without Measure
5 Connecting to the Spring of Life
‧066╱In Christ
‧068╱Tend Your Spirit
‧070╱Feasting on His Faithfulness
‧072╱Remember to Keep the Lid Off
‧074╱What Is Jesus Doing (WIJD)?
‧076╱Under His Yoke
‧078╱Unhook From the Twisted Roots
2 Longing for Your Glorious Presence
‧018╱Sharpen Spiritual Senses
‧020╱You Are Walking With the King!
‧022╱Break Through the Prison of Lies
‧024╱Come Out!
‧026╱Increase Our Faith
‧028╱Faith Reality Headset
‧030╱Seeing Hope and Possibilities
6 He Is the Fragrance of Our Lives
‧082╱Scent of Live
‧084╱Walk Tall!
‧086╱Look for the Gold
‧088╱Speak Life
‧090╱Send Love
‧092╱Measures of Love
‧094╱God’s Life-Giving Hands
3 His Intimate and Far-Reaching Love
‧034╱The Power of Forgiveness
‧036╱His Endless Love
‧038╱He Never Abandons or Forgets
‧040╱There He Is
‧042╱Finding the Manna in Our Wilderness
‧044╱For I Know
‧046╱I Am Able
7 Standing Strong on the Grace of Christ
‧098╱Mix With Faith
‧100╱Poison or Fruit— You Choose!
‧102╱Walk In Integrity
‧104╱Use Time Wisely
‧106╱Time for an Eye Exam!
‧108╱Tested by Fame
‧110╱Compass of Life
4 How Precious Are Your Thoughts
‧050╱More Than the Grains of Sands on Every Shore
‧052╱All Written in Your Book
‧054╱God’s Fingerprints in My Life
‧056╱Mary Magdalene
‧058╱His Shield of Faithfulness
‧060╱God’s Promises Are “Yes” and “Amen”
‧062╱The Redeemer’s Finger
8 A Light That Cannot Be Hidden
‧114╱You Are the Light of the World
‧116╱Run With the King
‧118╱Sowed With a Purpose
‧120╱God’s Dancing Hands
‧122╱Don’t Let the Oil Cease
‧124╱In His Arms
‧126╱Don’t Hold Back, Give Your All!


編號   54H001
發行   徐石瑋 Sherri Chan
開數   大菊16開(17X23 cm)
ISBN     9789862773857
定價    520元
頁數    160頁
初版    2023 年10 月
紙質             映畫紙
裝訂            平裝|全彩印刷



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