If you are facing financial problems, then there are ten steps that you can take to experience your financial breakthrough. They are based upon the foundational truths concerning giving and receiving that God has established. They will enable you to take hold of His promises of supernatural provision.
66 公克
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■布魯諾‧卡坡里莫(Dr. Bruno Caporrimo)
加州永恆服事團訓練中心(Everlasting CHIP Ministry Discipleship Training Center)的主席及創辦人,他是一位有多方恩賜的牧師、佈道家、作家、出版家及有先知恩膏並聖靈充滿的講員。他從加州Shield of Faith Living Word Bible College of Pomona取得神學博士學位。
英文書名 Ten Steps to Your Financial Breakthrough
編號 68I002
發行 布魯諾‧卡坡里莫(Dr. Bruno Caporrimo)
開數 菊32開(10.5 x 14.cm)
ISBN 9789862771730
作者 布魯諾‧卡坡里莫(Dr. Bruno Caporrimo)
類別 造就類
定價 60元
頁數 96頁
初版 2015年7月
裝訂方式 平裝
印刷方式 單色印刷