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Queen of the Dark Chamber ( 暗室之后 英文版 )

NT$ 400 NT$ 360


Miss Christiana Tsai was born at the end of the Qing Dynasty to a devoted, aristocratic Buddhist family.How did she accept the Gospel and lead her family of 55 people to Christ?

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Passing it on──the baton of missions, from one to another.

Miss Christiana Tsai was born at the end of the Qing Dynasty to a devoted, aristocratic Buddhist family.She was also among the first group of Chinese women, who had a modern education. 
How did she accept the Gospel and lead her family of 55 people to Christ? 
How did God use her to be an encouragement to many soldiers of the Gospel and even to assemble an evangelistic group? 
Yet, such a wonderful life had to be confined to the dark chamber in rural America due to a strange illness.  
What power enabled her to face flocks of admiring visitors? 
From Christiana Tsai’s extraordinary life, you can see how the Lord of life can use anyone who asks not “Why,” but “What can I do for you, Lord?”
This biography emits the fragrance of a heart for missions from the dark chamber. It inspires Christians to embark on the missions’ voyage with one heart and one mind to win more souls for Christ!
This book is a combination of her three books Queen of the Dark Chamber, Christiana Tsai and Jewels from the Queen of the Dark Chamber.


Queen of the Dark Chamber depicts Christiana’s life journey in her early years, her encounters with missionaries, her passion as an evangelist, and her sudden illness.
Christiana Tsai, a sequel to Queen of the Dark Chamber , documents how God continually sustained and used her life for miraculous things to be the light that inspired many other lives.
Jewels from the Queen of the Dark Chamber is the choicest collection from many of Christiana’s sermons, metaphors and testimonies that she had shared with her visitors, who had entered into the dark chamber during her last 50 years.


Foreword by Rev. Billy Graham and Rev. Moses Chow


重量 602 公克


■Christiana Tsai(1890~1984)

  Christiana Tsai was a native of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province. She was born on Feb. 12, 1890, in Nanjing, to an aristocratic family of the Qing Dynasty.
At age 16, Christiana Tsai converted to Christianity and subsequently led her entire household to Christ – a total of 55.

  In the winter of 1931, Christiana contracted Falciparum Malaria, which resulted in sensitivity to light and the destruction of her balance system. As a result, she was confined to her sickbed in the dark chamber for over 50 years.

  In 1949, at the age of 59, Christiana Tsai immigrated to the United States with her godmother Mary Leaman. They took up residence in Paradise, Pennsylvania.

  In 1953, Queen of the Dark Chamber, her self-dictated biography went to print, followed by Christiana Tsai and Jewels from the Queen of the Dark Chamber.

  On Aug.25 , 1984, Christiana Tsai rested her labor on this earth in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and returned to her Lord and Savior.。


英文書名 Queen of the Dark Chamber:Christiana Tsai
編號   29O003
發行   基督使者協會
開數   菊16開
ISBN   9781634200271
作者   Christiana Tsai
類別   傳記類
定價   400元
頁數   448頁
初版   2015年4月
裝訂方式 軟皮精裝
印刷方式 雙色印刷
